Cindi Dulgar

Associate Director

Cindi Dulgar profile pic

Cindi is a graduate of Sacramento State with a B.S.  in Recreation Administration and completed her Master’s at Sacramento State in 2005. Cindi helped to jump start the water ski program, summer camp and special events to full scale in 1984. Her number one priority is providing boating safety education to the variety of children and adults with the hopes of educating many, will ultimately save lives. Cindi also created the WET program (Water Enrichment Training) with hopes of brining team building and a high “fun factor” to augment the existing AC programs. Cindi has taught as a summer camp, water ski instructor/coach and WET facilitator.  She holds certificates for: California Department of Boating and Waterways (DBAW), Boating Safety for Hire License, Boy Scout and Girl Scout Merit Badge Counselor, and USA Water Ski instructor, driver and judge.

What is the best part about working at the Aquatic Center?

“There is never a dull moment at the Aquatic Center. I also love the variety of programs. The adult, college and youth programs have a positive affect on many lives and it is rewarding to know that I played a small part in that.”