WIRA Team Information/Check In Forms

Each crew must fill out to recieve their wristbands & parking pass


We are so excited to have our WIRA teams back at Lake Natoma.  Please make sure to fill out the web form below for your team parking, wristband and trailer information.

Web form is due TUESDAY,  APRIL 15, 2025.

All crew must check in to receive their wristbands and entry packets.  Check in will start Friday at 10:00 AM and will close at 4:00 PM at the Aquatic Center Front Office.


Friday, April 25, 2025 from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Saturday April 26, 2025 from 6:30 AM – 7:30 AM (strictly enforced)

Trailer Parking & Tow Vehicle:

Trailer may start arriving at Lake Natoma on Thursday, April 24, 2025 at 12:00 PM but overnight security is not provided.  You leave your trailer at your own risk for Thursday night.

Trailers MUST arrive by Friday, April 25, 2025 by 7:00 PM  No trailers will be admitted on Saturday April 26, 2025.   Overnight security is provided Friday and Saturday night.

Trailer may not be unloaded until 8:00 AM on Friday, April 25, 2025.

Tow vehicle passes will be issued at no fee, as the tow vehicle MUST stay parked on the dirt with the team’s trailer.  Tow vehicle have in and out privileges since they are not taking up a parking space in the State Park.  Any tow vehicle found parking in a parking space will have their pass revoked and vehicle may be cited.  Tow vehicle passes may be picked up at the Aquatic Center front office starting on Thursday, April 24, 2025. This policy is effect on practice days as well as race days.

Parking Passes

If your program needs to purchase parking passes please indicate below.  These passes will only be accepted in official team vans.  Parking will be limited in the Nimbus Flat State Park and it will fill up.  Once the park is closed all team vehicles will be directed to event parking.  Team members will be dropped off in the Park & Ride lot in the front of the park as no one will be allowed in to drop off. 

Parking passes are $10.00 per vehicle, per day.  This fee in imposed by the California State Park.  Team parking passes will be honored at Event Parking. 

Bus Passes

In order for busses to enter the State Park you must purchase a team bus pass.  Team busses will not be allowed to go in to drop off athletes without purchasing a State Park Bus Pass.  Busses will be checked when they enter by out staff to ensure everyone on the bus has a wristband.  Bus Passes are $100.00 per bus, per day

1 Buss2 Busses