Youth Groups

Youth Groups & Boy Scouts


The Aquatic Center is taking reservation requests but will be unable to approve any requests until we have reach adequate staffing levels.

Every year 3,000 children receive personal instruction in a variety of boating activities here at the Aquatic Center.  A special use agreement can be arranged to suit the individual needs of groups who would like to plan a special activity at our facility. Grants are also available for “Kids at Risk”  or “Title 1 Students” sponsored by the California Division of Boating and Waterways.  


Boy/Girl Scouts

Merit Badge Program

We offer instruction for Merit Badges for boy scouts. This can be done either in our summer camp programs, individual basis for full troop certification.  Boy Scouts are asked to complete their BSA worksheet prior to the actual water training.  Boy Scouts are required to supply  the merit badge cards to be signed after the training is completed.