Regatta Volunteer Positions

Photo take from the 2K Start line Showing the boat holders before a race

Come be a part of the Aquatic Center team. Below are descriptions of the different volunteer positions we have during regattas. More direction will be given on the day of the event; all necessary supplies will be provided. Volunteers check-in at the Sac State Aquatic Center 10-15 minutes prior to the start of your shift and must sign in/out In the aquatic center front office Please dress in layers (it’s cold in the morning but can warm up quickly). Please DO NOT wear any clothing that is red as that color is designated for First Responders and US Rowing Officials.  Remember to bring sunblock, bottled water, sunglasses and hat. 

2025 WIRA Rowing Championships 
2025 US Rowing Southwest Youth Rowing Championships
2025 West Coast Conference and Great Northern Athletic Conference Championships
2025 Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Championships
2025 Head of the American Rowing Regatta 


*Volunteers will need to bring a photos ID to be scanned to our Raptor System to ensure our events are safe sport certified. 

Special Event Volunteer Position Descriptions

vOLUNTEER Stake Boat Holders 

Stake boat holders hold the stern of rowing shells and help line up the boats at the start line to ensure a fair start.  Stake boat holders will be sitting and laying on their stomach on an inflatable inner tube on the starting dock located 2000 meters up the lake from the Aquatic Center and will be transported there by Aquatic Center staff.   This position requires the ability to be able to lay on your stomach for durations of 7-10 minutes between each race and the ability to go from a standing to sitting to laying position. Stake Boat Holders will also wear an earpiece and fanny pack that holds the radio used to communicate with officials. It is best to dress in layers for this position, especially for the morning shifts and bring lots of sunscreen, a hat, and snacks since you will be in the middle of the lake for your shift.  There is a restroom (aka SS Relief) available at the start line location. Stake boat holders will be given instruction by regatta officials while on the start dock.  You will be located on a floating dock in the middle of the lake we advise your to bring as few personal items as possible. Your car keys can be held at the Aquatic Center front desk for safe keeping. 


For our bigger rowing events timers are needed at every 500 meter mark on our race course.  Timers will be watching each race very closely as it approaches their respective 500 meter marks.  Through a provided headset, timers will call out the order in which the boats cross their 500 meter mark.  This order is recorded and then published online.  Races can be very fast, so timers must be able to determine order of crossing at almost a glance.  Individual timers will be sitting in anchored sailboats at each 500 meter mark along the race course.  Sunscreen, a hat, snacks, water and a towel are highly recommended!

Volunteers for Finish Line Support

This position assists the supervisors and officials at the finish line. Tasks can include taking finish times, order of finish,  finish line flag, athlete weigh-ins, awards support, customer service checking bow numbers and heel ties and hospitality.